Maksim Kournikov and Leonid Gozman."Free People in an Unfree Country.Psychology and History of Freedom in Russia."The artistic and philosophical conceptualization of freedom has occupied a central role in the Russian literary tradition for several centuries.
Hundreds years of slavery and decades of totalitarianism have left a deep mark on the cultural code of a society doomed to survive in defiance of the regime.
Maksim Kournikov (ex-deputy editor-in-chief of Ekho Moskvy, head of ECHO) &
Leonid Gozman (public and political figure, PhD in Psychology).
They will discuss the psychology and history of freedom in Russia — the struggle for freedom in an unfree country.
Save the date!
March 10th, Prague, Kulturní dům LádvíBurešova, 2, Kobylisy, 182 00 Praha 8Show on mapShow: 19:00